PLC at Work Institute®

Mascoutah, IL | June 18–20, 2024 

Day 1

Tuesday, June 18th

6:30–8:00 a.m.


Location: Competition Gym Exterior

Continental Breakfast

Location: Competition Gym

8:009:45 a.m.

KeynoteProven, Practical, and Doable: Making the Case for PLCs at Work

Mike Mattos

Location: Auditorium

9:4510:00 a.m.


10:0011:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

Tim BrownBuilding a Commitment to Learning in Students

Location: Band Room

Luis F. CruzTask Forces: Collectively Using PLC Characteristics to Serve Underperforming Student Cohorts

Location: Auxiliary Gym

Amy GluckThe Critical Role of Question One: Identifying Essentials and How to Use Them in a High-Leverage Way

Location: Room 161

Michelle MarrilliaThe Case for Coaches in a Professional Learning Community 

Location: Choral Room

Mike MattosAre We a Group or a Team?

Location: Cafeteria

Anthony MuhammadCollaboration Is a Lifestyle, Not a Meeting! 

Location: Auditorium

Regina Stephens OwensCultivating Educator Wellness for Leading and Living the PLC Life! 

Location: Room 163

Eric TwadellSocial and Emotional Learning in a PLC at Work

Location: Media Center

11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.

Lunch (provided)

Location: Competition Gym

12:30–2:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

Tim BrownHow to Build Student Ownership, Motivation, and Efficacy Through the Four Questions of a Collaborative Team

Location: Band Room

Luis F. CruzEmbracing the Five Vessels: Do We Have the Right Climate and Culture to Become a High-Functioning PLC?

Location: Auxiliary Gym

Amy GluckYes We Can! Moving Beyond Labels Through the Partnership Between General and Special Educators

Location: Room 161

Michelle MarrilliaRising to the Challenge: High Needs, Bold Impact

Location: Choral Room

Mike MattosBehavior Solutions: Leveraging the PLC at Work Process to Teach Essential Behaviors

Location: Cafeteria

Anthony MuhammadTransforming School Culture: New Insights

Location: Auditorium

Regina Stephens OwensData Discussion for Instructional Leaders: From Data to Design to Demonstration of Learning 

Location: Room 163

Eric TwadellLeadership Matters: Four Essential Conversations for District, School, and Team Leaders

Location: Media Center

2:002:15 p.m.


2:153:15 p.m.

Panel DiscussionPresenters answer your most pressing questions. 

Link to submit questions to the panel.

Location: Auditorium

7:00–8:00 a.m.


Location: Competition Gym Exterior

Continental Breakfast

Location: Competition Gym

8:00–9:45 a.m.

KeynoteThe Way Forward: PLC at Work and the Bright Future of Education 

Anthony Muhammad

Location: Auditorium

9:45–10:00 a.m.


10:00–11:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

Tim BrownDeveloping Shared Leadership: Forming Your Guiding Coalition

Location: Band Room

Luis F. CruzEnglish Learners and PLCs

Location: Auxiliary Gym

Amy GluckMove Your Collaborative Team From Establishing to Flourishing

Location: Room 161

Michelle MarrilliaDo Common Formative Assessments Change Your Practice? Turning Data Into Successful Secondary Classroom Instruction

Location: Choral Room

Mike MattosRaising the Bar and Closing the Gap: Whatever It Takes in Elementary Schools

Location: Cafeteria

Anthony MuhammadFrom PLC Lite to PLC Right!

Location: Auditorium

Regina Stephens OwensThe Why Effect: Intentional Systems Drive Inspirational Cultures

Location: Room 163

Eric TwadellGrading and Reporting for Learning: The Five Stages of Evidence-Based Grading

Location: Media Center

11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Lunch (provided)

Location: Competition Gym

12:30–2:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

Tim BrownActivating the Keys of Formative Assessment to Create a Culture of Learning

Location: Band Room

Luis F. CruzTaping Before Painting: Blending the PLC and RTI Processes to Collectively Respond When Students Don’t Learn

Location: Auxiliary Gym

Amy GluckIntentional, Courageous Leadership Starts With You!

Location: Room 161

Michelle MarrilliaThe Case for Coaches in a Professional Learning Community

Location: Choral Room

Mike MattosRaising the Bar and Closing the Gap: Whatever It Takes in Secondary Schools

Location: Cafeteria

Anthony MuhammadOvercoming the Achievement Gap Trap: Liberating Mindsets to Effect Change

Location: Auditorium

Regina Stephens OwensSmall Schools and Singletons: Wired for Rigor and Relevance

Location: Room 163
LINK to Regina's live session.

Eric TwadellThrough New Eyes: Examining the Culture of Your School

Location: Media Center

2:00–2:15 p.m.


2:153:15 p.m.

Team Time—Presenters aid in your collaborative team discussions.

Location: Competition Gym

7:00–8:00 a.m.

Continental Breakfast

Location: Competition Gym

8:009:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

Tim BrownGrading: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Location: Band Room

Luis F. CruzI Am Sold on PLCs: Practical Tools and Directions to Be Successful

Location: Auxiliary Gym

Amy GluckMove Your Collaborative Team From Establishing to Flourishing

Location: Room 161

Michelle MarrilliaRising to the Challenge: High Needs, Bold Impact

Location: Choral Room

Mike MattosGuiding Principles for Principals: Tips and Tools for Leading the PLC at Work Process

Location: Cafeteria

Anthony MuhammadBuilding Commitment and Overcoming Frustration on Your PLC Journey

Location: Auditorium

Regina Stephens OwensThe Learning Professional: Coaching Competence, Not Compliance

Location: Room 163

Eric TwadellUsing AI Tools to Facilitate Better Teaching and Learning

Location: Media Center

9:309:45 a.m.


9:45–11:45 a.m.

KeynoteTransformed People Transform People  

Regina Stephens Owens

Location: Auditorium

Comprehensive Evaluation–Our presenters value your feedback! Please take a quick moment to fill out this survey.

In-Person Comprehensive Survey: LINK

PLC LIVE Steaming Sites Comprehensive Survey: LINK